MechChem Africa sets out to support African industry in all issues that may be informative and interesting to professionals across the full spectrum of engineering, chemical and mechanical trades.
Created by combining Crown’s Mechanical Technology and Chemical Technology titles, MechChem Africa adopts an integrated approach to technology solutions, with its content enriched by deliberately seeking out and unpacking technical areas of mechanical and chemical interest.
Industry focused, MechChem Africa promotes responsible engineering and highlights opportunities for African companies to become more internationally competitive. We promote and value: good design, decision-making and procurement practices; appropriate solutions at lowest lifecycle costs; energy and production efficiency optimisation; environmental responsibility; sustainable development; and smart, modern and innovative technologies and business practices.
MechChem Africa will remain a member of ABC and the initial circulation, based on a combining the databases its predecessors, will be up to 5 000 (plus 950 SAICHE members) printed and posted copies. In addition, however, we are adopting a publishing service approach to digital content, through which we can offer multiple digital platforms for the dissemination of rich and original content. These include: Website and online publishing services; targeted distribution via enewsletters; social media – Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook publication – and we aim to make articles available in multiple formats – HTML; pdf or any editable format – to clients wishing to reuse articles.