ON THE COVER: The construction industry – both civils and building – is facing increasing demands for sustainable and cost effective production. Scania’s New Truck Generation has a powerful line-up, and is ready for the toughest construction task and well prepared to meet the highly diverse demands of this sector. Scania has the right products, the right services and the right skills to optimise vehicles perfectly to the customers’ operation.
Measure to minimise human impact on the environment
South Africa’s new Carbon Tax Act No 15 of 2019 came into effect on 1 June. Climate change is undoubtedly the biggest challenge facing humankind and the primary objective of this carbon tax is to reduce greenhouse emission (GHG) in a sustainable and affordable manner. Construction Worldspoke to Hannes Meyer, AfriSam’s Cementitious Executive about this bill and how it effects AfriSam. Despite the cement industry being a carbon intensive industry, AfriSam has – for decades – been working relentlessly to minimise its impact on the environment.
Cape Town’s biggest stumbling block
Cape Town lacks a viable growth vision for its future to guide both public and private sector investment. Until this is in place, it is impossible to plan adequately for viable citywide economic acceleration, without which vital changes such as densification and the development of affordable housing will remain an unachievable dream.
This is a key message coming out of a workshop recently held at the end of August between the Development Action Group and Cape Town property developers, several of whom work in the affordable market. The workshop was also attended by observers from the City of Cape Town’s inclusionary housing policy workgroup, and facilitated by the Western Cape Property Development Forum’s Chairperson, Deon van Zyl.
Carving a place at the Leonardo
CHRYSO, a global specialist in the chemistry of building materials, supplied its innovative VerticArt to The Trinity Session for an iconic artistic creation in the foyer of The Leonardo in Sandton.
VerticArt was the material of choice when The Trinity Session, a creative production team, embarked on the curation of a sculpted representation of a cross-section through earth, showing the strata formed by tectonic plates shifting and colliding, to form the intricate patterns of geological formations.
Marcus Neustetter, a director of The Trinity Session, explains that this ambitious project called for an earthy, robust medium. CHRYSO VerticArt, a cementitious mortar which is designed for application to vertical surfaces, presented the ideal material.